Alright, alright. It's Valentine's Day. Which is great. Supposedly. Saint Valentine (and there were eleven of them) were martyrs and had absolutely nothing to do with the holiday. But in any case, I'm guessing that a day when men spend twice as much money as women that must say something special. Valentine's used to be one of my favorite days. I love to write and it's the second largest card-giving day next to Christmas. But why not anymore?
I'll agree with some that love on this level should be shown on a consistent basis. Or maybe that it's to celebrate love. That's all great and wonderful, but the truth is that it's a day filled with expectations. It's a real make it or break it moment. Whatever the relationship means to the partner would be summed up on Valentine's Day. There's a lot of psychological behavior that can be analyzed by the actions committed by this specific event, or any gift-giving day in general. And I am a keen observer of human behavior. This is a real treat for me.
It's also a day for evaluation. What does my relationship mean to me? The realization hits heavily. Most relationships should not be happening in the first place. I see many people in dead-end relationships that stay because they (a) don't really care, (b) are too "comfortable" to change it, or (c) lack the backbone to leave. They know it. I know it. Well, I have news for you: It's only going to get worse. This is my advice: if you are not content in your life, then it's definitely because of choices you have made and responsibility must be taken for your actions. But you should find out if the relationship with your partner, specifically, is hindering you from becoming a freer you. It might be time to think things through. For once!
However, to all the beautiful and healthy relationships going on in the world, I hope that we can all find genuine, romantic and intimate love as well. Thank you for setting the example!