It very well could be a protective instinct that shields us from the wackos and the crazies. Though, is there a look to crazy people? Good people? Mean people? Stupid people? Intellectual people? It's more of a way of being. You could probably assume a neat person if you saw them with their shirts tucked in and shoe laces tied. But that could also mean that they know how to manipulate the way they look to get a desired response in the same way girls use makeup to bring out their best look. Many people doing the same things for different reason. So, how do we know what the person is really like?
I have had much experience with people that are comfortable posing as something or someone else for months at a time, even years, and sometimes, their entire lives (Ah!). The best way to make sure that it doesn't happen again, is simply to know yourself. If you're in good standing with your mind, body and soul, there is this funny thing that happens. It's a little voice inside your head that lets you know what is really going on around you. It lets you know which people are dishonest, which ones are angry, which ones are no very smart, and which ones are truly amazing.
I'm trying to base people on what they do. Who they really are. It's not terribly hard to really know someone. You just have to be a bit tuned in and listening in on that little hint of intuition that might spark up here and there to drop a hint.
It could take a lifetime to get rid of stereotypes completely. But, just to be aware that it exists and how we are affected by it in our daily lives could prove quite interesting and liberating at the same time. It's one step closer to becoming a more uninhibited self and that's always a very good thing. Just to be more you.