This place is breathtaking. Designed by Daniel Libeskind, he mixed straight lines with diagonal ones to take away a sense of space and equilibrium. The first part had all these little windows with stories and memorabilia from Jews during WWII.
The next part led into a room that was surrounded with cement. A little light shone in through a crack at the top. Our voices echoed eerily. Yikes!
Next, there was a courtyard outside. Again, the pillars were sideways and immediately when you see them, you felt sick. Strange...
Up the stairs and into another exhibit, which was particularly interesting. It was a room with 10,000 stone faces lying on the floor. When you stepped on them it filled the room with haunting sounds...
That place was heavy, but it ended on a nice note with a fake pomegranate tree that was covered in written wishes. The paper was in the shape of a pomegranate and we all made our wish...
We visited the museum as well, unfortunately they didn't allow pictures to be taken inside.
Finally, we had dinner at the hotel restaurant. So tired.