I have been thinking a lot lately (very common) about what it means to get somewhere that you want to be. Since we don't really know what exactly separates us from that place or point, we must keep it simple. For example, let's say that you want to take a weekend off and go up north. Let's also say that you can take vacation time off work, your friends can join, the hotels are available, and the weather is perfect. So, what's stopping you?
Money. So, let's figure in that situation money would be the meeting point between the you that is sitting at your computer right now and the you that's enjoying a sweet glass of Cabernet on your hotel balcony in Big Sur. But you don't work a second job. Maybe if you did, you would be able to go. Compromises, sure. But you find a way.
If you want something badly enough, you'll find the meeting point between where you don't have it and where you get it. Sometimes there is only one way to get there (very rarely) and sometimes there are an infinite amount of ways to get there (usually). You just have to get creative.
"Where there is a will, there is a way" an old proverb writes and writes very true, indeed.
I know with unflinching certainty that we can all get what we want. If there is one thing, be totally positive that you can get it. Even a hairline of doubt will ruin it. The thinking must be that there is no other possible outcome except the one that's in your favor. In other words, things can only work out. There is no other way.
To think further into it, there is one common denominator between all of the reasons that stop us from doing the things we dream to. Time. Even thinking that everything works out for us is not enough. Patience is another. Trust in the process. Because in the end, that's exactly what this whole thing is, a process. Make it the best, not because you choose to, but because there is no other choice. It's a way of life. It's your way of life.