It‘s always there. Existing quietly amidst the illusive chaos of this reality like dark matter in the universe. Existing very humbly. Then at some time or another or both, engulfs the soul without notice and properly restoring it to its natural splendor. Needing nothing. Wanting nothing. Thinking nothing. Accepting everything because there are no limits and there are no rules.
Evolution seems to work only as a matter of moving forward to be getting ahead. Though, on matters of the soul, this method fails, as time seizes to exist. Souls do not evolve. Our consciousness is so far removed from the being of the soul that by becoming more agreeable between soul, body and mind it could be seen as the supposed “evolution” of one’s soul. Though, it wouldn’t really be an evolution. It would only seem like it in the mind’s opinion, but an inadequate representation of events otherwise.
The only task at hand, can be understood as one of retraction. To strip away the layers of perception and return to the state of void. To accomplish this, nothing must be done. In the way that this alleged soulful “evolution” manifests itself is not by what is done, but by the actions abstained from exercising. In the eloquent speech of Albert Einstein, “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
Be who you are the core. Creating nothing more and content with nothing less. This feat would be, undoubtedly, the art of miracles.