Change definitely as a lot to do with affecting emotions. When you're sad or angry or nervous or similar in a situation, that is the way that you're coping with that change. Reacting emotionally to what you believe is a "bad" change. I think most people are in fear of change in general. There's something that feels uncomfortable about it. It's always once you get nice with one thing, another takes effect. And that probably has something to do with a newfound ability to be able to handle another situation. Like karma is presenting the opportunity to further yourself and your spiritual progress. This isn't a common perception to change, though. Somehow, it sometimes feels easier to simply suffer and wade our way through life as if there were no other choice. Maybe to avoid taking chances or risks. But amidst utter confusion when you really don't know what to do with yourself, always just to try to be as grateful as possible that you're getting a great chance to move forward, even if it the situation "sucks". Because that is exactly what it is. A chance to constantly grow. To constantly change. No matter how painful it might seem in the moment.
Once we free ourselves from associating our ego with our emotions, only then can we be completely liberated. No one wants to live based around situational emotional reactions. Sometimes you just have to let it go, because by letting go, you're consciously choosing to focus your attention elsewhere. Not as a distraction, but as a way of harnessing that powerful energy into something beneficial. Something positive. And every positive thing that you do, matters. Every single time. Every single day. One day at a time.