I realize most of the time I'm hungry because I'm bored, understimulated, upset, etc. Detoxing is a good way to also get in touch with what is happening in the Mind, as food can be a great sedative sometimes. Which is great. Detoxing also gets rid of any inflammation that the body might have (which has recently been correlated to cancers and heart disease).
Most of the information on here was gathered from Alejandro Junger, M.D.'s detox book 'Clean' as well as numerous online health food resources.
Part 1: Preparation Diet
The Preparation Diet is supposed to get your body ready for a detox, making sure that the change is not too difficult for your mind or your body. This preparation can last anywhere from 3 days to 1 week, depending on what your diet consists of currently.
Things NOT to eat:
Diary (including Non-Diary Creamers)
Bananas, Tomatoes, Oranges, Orange Juice, Grapefruit & Grapes (because of their acidity)
Wheat, Corn, Barley, Spelt, Kamut, Rye, Couscous, OatsRaw Fish, Pork, Beef, Veal, Sausage, Cold Cuts, Canned Meats, Hot Dogs, Shellfish
Soybean Products (soy sauce, soybean oil in processed foods, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt)
Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Pistachios, Macadamia Nuts
Creamed vegetables, Potatoes, Eggplants, Peppers
Butter, Margarine, Shortening, Processed Oils, Salad Dressings, Mayonnaise, Spreads
Alcohol, Coffee, Caffeinated Beverages, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks
Refined Sugar, White or Brown Sugars, Honey, Maple Syrup, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Evaporated
Cane Juice
Chocolate, Ketchup, Relish, Chutney, Barbecue Sauce, Teriyaki Sauce, Other Similar Condiments
I know this may sound like a lot, but it's only for the Detox. Afterward, you can go back to eating all the things you like.
Part 2: Meals
On the actual Detox you will be consuming two liquid meals (juice, smoothies, soups) and one normal meal. The normal meal will be at lunch time. However, this portion should also be a relatively normal size and isn't an excuse to gorge. And the liquid meals for morning and evening. With a snack in between meals if preferred.
Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder (available online or in Brentwood) has probiotics in it to help the stomach get back to a more efficient state, as well as Vitamins A, C, D and E. While there are many wonderful recipes for detoxing (if you need more just let me know), these are what I will be doing for the first week.
Since this is a slower Detox than the Master Cleanse (Lemon, Cayenne, & Honey Drinks), it reaches its fullest potential at three weeks. However, you can do it for one or two weeks. I would suggest at least ten days, or perhaps 12 (From a Monday to the following Friday).
You can eat Tuna, Bass, Salmon, Halibut, Chicken, & Lamb (the kind without hormones or antibiotics).
Something to remember: Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day. The goal is to pee hourly.
Greens and Fruit Smoothie
Raspberries, Blueberries, 1 Cup Kale, Almond Milk, 1 Scoop Raw Protein Powder
Apple (make sure to get organic, there are a lot of pesticides on apples)
Spinach, Mixed Greens, 1/2 Avocado, Onion, Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrots, & Black Beans
Dressing: Homemade Miso Dressing (I have a recipe) or Olive Oil, Dijon Mustard & Sea Salt (the most underrated salad dressing ever)
Handful of Walnuts, about 14
Cucumber & Avocado Soup
1 Cucumber, 1 Avocado, Lime Juice, Lime Zest, Sea Salt
Before going to bed: Drink two tablespoons of Olive Oil followed by a glass lemon water.
Why I Chose The Foods That I Did
I wanted to make sure to get protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, omega-3, probiotics and Vitamins A, B12, C, D, & E every day. And fiber at every meal (this is a must!).
RAW Protein Powder - Vitamins A, C, D, & E, Probiotics
B-12 Supplement - To be taken with the RAW Protein Powder (B-12 metabolizes with Vitamin D)
Raspberries - Manganese, Vitamin C, Fiber
Blueberries - Manganese, Vitamin C + E, Fiber, antioxidants (more than any other fresh fruit)
Kale - Vitamins A, C, E, + K, Manganese, Fiber, Copper, Calcium, B-6, Calcium + Iron, rich in Phytochemical content (Wow!)
Almond Milk - Protein, Vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Iron
Apple - Fiber, Vitamin E
Spinach - Vitamins A, C, E, + K, B-1, B-2, B-6, Manganese, Folate, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Fiber
Mixed Greens - Vitamins A, B-6, C + K
Avocado - Vitamins B-6, C + K, Fiber, Potassium, Folate
Cucumber - Vitamins A + C, Potassium + Fiber
Onion - Vitamin C, Fiber (Human studies have shown that onion can help increase bone density and may be of special benefit to women of menopausal age who are experiencing loss of bone density)
Cabbage - Vitamins C + K, Fiber (slowly steamed cabbage is ideal for your body to utilize the fiber more efficiently)
Carrots - Vitamins A, C + K, Potassium, Fiber
Black Beans - Protein, Iron, Magnesium, Fiber, B-1
Sea Salt - Iodine
Walnuts - Omega-3 (While there is no daily recommendation for Omega-3s, studies estimate that about
2.2 grams is sufficient, which equals about 14 walnuts)