The way to solve a problem is to learn how to mold it into a desireable outcome. Being able to optimize all your resources. To transform the problem into a solution. This can be done with sheer perspective alone. Because the solution is within the problem, as a result of the problem. The solution will never be found in the absence of the problem. And of course, this is because there will never be an absence of problems. To move forward in self-evolution and personal growth is to move through the problem and not to back up and find a way around. There is no way around. Every problem is designed for the purpose of a solution to be discovered as a result. In the same way, a lock is designed with a specific key to open it.
The human mind can rise above problems and above solutions. There isn't much of a point in getting too attached. It's a constant cycle, anyways. The real challenge would be to create that inner collection of contenment and confidence that can withstand anything on the outside and be tapped into at any time to give you strength. And to fill it up, you have to add a little bit of self-love to the collection everyday and as often as you can. Then sooner rather than later, you will be able to overcome anything, regardless of any materialistic circumstances.
"Strength does not lie in what you have. It lies in what you can give."