The program will run on a volunteer basis and will be purely for the benefit of the user first and foremost. You would also use the program to diagnose mental problems and even have it assist with job placement. It would help you overcome your fears. Help with finding an adequate partner. It would come up with ways to cheer you up. To make you excited when you want to give up.
The point of it would be to propel the human intellect into a realm where conscious thinking is unnecessary. To be constantly aware of what is going on and how our reality is affected by our actions. The program would teach people to how to realize their fullest potential through those actions and thoughts. Eventually, everyone that uses the program will have completely eradicated any hints of destrutive or nunproductive behavior such as jealousy or selfishness, hatred or anger, and replaced them with lovingkindess.
The biggest problem would be to get people to believe that this program would actually work. Getting people to have the the will to want to join it would be tough, in the same way that the last thing most mentally ill people want to look at themselves as the root of the problem. This program would only work based on the that fact that the user is accepting full responsibility for his or her outcomes or results in the program. There are many people who want genuine happiness genuinely, but lack the knowledge to know how to achieve it. The program would be the necessary tool. Life through analyzation is the most wonderful and mystical experience. It's not filled with so much suffering and pain as some people claim. Only fear is.
This program already exists somewhere in our minds and until each person can manifest his or her own program in the world as a collective project, it is the grandest gesture to choose to discover it on one's own. To find out where in your soul your will is created and then live there. Use it as an unlimited source of energy and contentment.