
40 Ways to Be More Efficient

After reading this article, I was inspired to create my own list of ideas. I chose efficiency because it has a large web of influence and could improve your life on a number of levels. Here are my 40 ideas (in no particular order of importance):

  1. · Buy less plastic
  2. · Go to the farmers market for groceries
  3. · Bike to run errands
  4. · Take the bus to work
  5. · Wait for deals on things to buy
  6. · Spend more on energy saving products
  7. · Turn the water off when I’m washing
  8. · Sleep when I'm tired
  9. · Listen to mentally stimulating podcasts at least three days a week
  10. · Exercise as much as is comfortable
  11. · Join a class that discusses effective communication
  12. · Read about creative thinking strategies
  13. · Meditate every day
  14. · Set achievable goals
  15. · Buy more versatile items of clothing
  16. · Drink a protein/fruit shake at least once a day
  17. · Take vitamins
  18. · Read at least one memoir/biography a year
  19. · Organize the closet
  20. · Organize the kitchen
  21. · Minimalize your life materialistically (reasonably)
  22. · Decorate your home with art that inspire you
  23. · Create art that inspires you
  24. · Do an brainstorm and meet you idea quota at least once a week
  25. · Watch shows/movies that are intellectually stimulating
  26. · Think about how all people are all essentially the same
  27. · Always try to think about how a difficult/challenging situation could be happening “for a reason” and believe in it
  28. · Breathe deeply at least three times a day for two minutes
  29. · Keep a journal
  30. · Complete tasks with the purpose in mind
  31. · Manage your checkbook
  32. · Save money for travel
  33. · Hire a maid
  34. · Be respectful to others when responding
  35. · Rest when you need to
  36. · Always smile when sharing eye contact with others
  37. · Drink lots of water
  38. · Plan before you make large purchases
  39. · Make to-do lists
  40. · Eat only when I'm hungry

I think it's a good start...


Being Conscious of Consciousness

Photo by: Henk L

What do we really want in our lives? Properties, romance, a better job, a more toned physique? Maybe on a deeper level...true happiness? (when I speak of happiness, I'm talking about the sum of all its parts including contentment, satisfaction, bliss, joy, optimism, openness, freedom, elation, nirvana, etc.) Either way, it can't be so complicated! There has to be a more efficient way of truly getting what we want in our lives.

While reading about implicit memory, a type of memory in which previous experiences aid in the performance of a task without conscious awareness of these previous experiences (ref: wikipedia.com), I wondered how many reactions, ideas, and intuitive thoughts really are just implicit memories. Your brain registers it as a memory, but since it doesn't go through your conscious awareness, you would learn it without knowing it. For example, perhaps after years and years of seeing very thin, clear-faced models gracing covers and runways in beautiful clothes and make-up, you could "feel" that this was the right way to look to be accepted by others, without really acknowledging it.

This is quite interesting. It makes you reflect back on your life and try and see if it there is a link between specific situations and certain reactions. We've all had "gut-feelings" or instinctual impulses that "feel" right at our core. Could it have been an implicit memory at work? If it's for something that makes your life better and promotes happiness, then all is fine and good. However, if there are certain beliefs that ingrained in your brain that hinder you from becoming the best that you can be, then that's an entirely different story.

The self-narratives or life stories we tell ourselves are extremely important in deciding what we can or can't do, because it's what we believe we can or can't do. These beliefs might be attributed to implicit memory. Let's say you grew up with a family member that was cynical and always told you how tough life is, you might feel guilty when you were happy. You might feel that if anything goes well, it's only a matter of time before things begin getting "tough" again.

In Buddhism, a major focus of meditation is reflection on death and our own mortality. It's not to be macabre or to create apathy for life, but to understand that life is fragile and time is limited. It's truly a gift to be conscious. To be part of an entire universe filled with knowledge and possibility. It makes you think less about "me" and more about "we". What could possibly be the point in doing things for yourself, by yourself if you'll just die and be unable take it with you, anyway? It would be nice to know that you've been a part of something that will last much longer than you and will continue to enhance the lives of all who come after. To think about what is possible for one person dwarfs in comparison to what is possible for humanity.

If I died today, how would I feel about it? No doubt about it, I would feel sad for my parents that they would have to go through something so painful, but on a broader level, that there is so much unfinished business. Now, whether I feel that way because there is more to be done or because I know I'm able put more focus into my actions and intentions, requires more reflection to answer accurately. I'm sure it's a little of both.

I want to cut the waiting line to happiness and just get straight to the good part (the honest and healthy way, of course). Logically thinking, I know that I don't need more materialistic things to make me happier. I have everything I need and a lot more
(we all do). My life is abundant and so is everyone's I know.

Why not embrace that abundance? We are conscious and we have the entire universe at our disposal. Let's dispose of our insecurities and weaknesses. Consciousness itself knows none of that. We are what we perceive we are. If we can mirror our thinking to the greatness and power of consciousness, we'd genuinely be living the way the universe intends.

"Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity." - Leo Tolstoy


Questioning Experience

Photo by: Harry Fodor

I was reading about Robert Nozick's Experience Machine. A thought experiment asking if you could basically 'plug' yourself into unlimited happiness, would you?

Now this is a deep question. Just the other day, I was saying that happiness is the most important factor in one's life experience. Not just good feelings, but deep contentment and satisfaction. Most people, about 95% (apparently), would choose not to be plugged in.

If asked this question, of course you would probably say, "No! I would never plug myself into a machine to fake happiness!" No one wants to believe that they are superficially happy. You would probably feel good about yourself thinking that you chosen the correct answer.
But this is what I'm asking you: How often do you believe a complete lie to be the truth, just because it makes you happy?

I'll quit smoking soon. We really will work it out. Cancer won't happen to me. One soda a day isn't bad. And the list goes on...

I'll admit it. I make things that aren't true, in order to protect my happiness. Like the belief that I have security. You never really have real security. Anything could happen at any moment that's out of your control. Or thinking that they way you were brought up makes you better than someone else. Maybe because you had people in your family that are good people. People that love you and take care of you. Why would it happen to you and not someone else?

That's just the luck of the draw. It has nothing to do with what you think you're entitled to in this life. Everyone's consciousness is fundamentally the same, but we believe ourselves to be separate because it makes us feel better. More special and unique. Why we're we the lucky ones?
Then, you realize that at any moment something could happen and you might not feel so lucky anymore. Which is my point. It can't be a truth if it's fleeting.

So, what are the lies we tell ourselves? The ones that are so deeply ingrained in our ego that we don't even know they're there? To never even question why we do what we do would be a shame. As the great Socrates put it so perfectly: "The unexamined life is not worth living."



Detoxing is for your body to get rid of all the toxicity from our modern lifestyles (think processed foods, lotions, shampoos, air pollution, ew!) and learn how to heal itself naturally. This is a Detox, so you might feel "hungry", but you won't be. You will be getting everything your body needs.

I realize most of the time I'm hungry because I'm bored, understimulated, upset, etc. Detoxing is a good way to also get in touch with what is happening in the Mind, as food can be a great sedative sometimes. Which is great. Detoxing also gets rid of any inflammation that the body might have (which has recently been correlated to cancers and heart disease).

Most of the information on here was gathered from Alejandro Junger, M.D.'s detox book 'Clean' as well as numerous online health food resources.

Part 1: Preparation Diet

The Preparation Diet is supposed to get your body ready for a detox, making sure that the change is not too difficult for your mind or your body. This preparation can last anywhere from 3 days to 1 week, depending on what your diet consists of currently.

Things NOT to eat:

Diary (including Non-Diary Creamers)
Bananas, Tomatoes, Oranges, Orange Juice, Grapefruit & Grapes (because of their acidity)
Wheat, Corn, Barley, Spelt, Kamut, Rye, Couscous, OatsRaw Fish, Pork, Beef, Veal, Sausage, Cold Cuts, Canned Meats, Hot Dogs, Shellfish
Soybean Products (soy sauce, soybean oil in processed foods, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt)
Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Pistachios, Macadamia Nuts
Creamed vegetables, Potatoes, Eggplants, Peppers
Butter, Margarine, Shortening, Processed Oils, Salad Dressings, Mayonnaise, Spreads
Alcohol, Coffee, Caffeinated Beverages, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks
Refined Sugar, White or Brown Sugars, Honey, Maple Syrup, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Evaporated
Cane Juice
Chocolate, Ketchup, Relish, Chutney, Barbecue Sauce, Teriyaki Sauce, Other Similar Condiments

I know this may sound like a lot, but it's only for the Detox. Afterward, you can go back to eating all the things you like.

Part 2: Meals

On the actual Detox you will be consuming two liquid meals (juice, smoothies, soups) and one normal meal. The normal meal will be at lunch time. However, this portion should also be a relatively normal size and isn't an excuse to gorge. And the liquid meals for morning and evening. With a snack in between meals if preferred.

Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder (available online or in Brentwood) has probiotics in it to help the stomach get back to a more efficient state, as well as Vitamins A, C, D and E. While there are many wonderful recipes for detoxing (if you need more just let me know), these are what I will be doing for the first week.

Since this is a slower Detox than the Master Cleanse (Lemon, Cayenne, & Honey Drinks), it reaches its fullest potential at three weeks. However, you can do it for one or two weeks. I would suggest at least ten days, or perhaps 12 (From a Monday to the following Friday).

You can eat Tuna, Bass, Salmon, Halibut, Chicken, & Lamb (the kind without hormones or antibiotics).

Something to remember: Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day. The goal is to pee hourly.


Greens and Fruit Smoothie
Raspberries, Blueberries, 1 Cup Kale, Almond Milk, 1 Scoop Raw Protein Powder

Apple (make sure to get organic, there are a lot of pesticides on apples)


Spinach, Mixed Greens, 1/2 Avocado, Onion, Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrots, & Black Beans
Dressing: Homemade Miso Dressing (I have a recipe) or Olive Oil, Dijon Mustard & Sea Salt (the most underrated salad dressing ever)

Handful of Walnuts, about 14


Cucumber & Avocado Soup
1 Cucumber, 1 Avocado, Lime Juice, Lime Zest, Sea Salt

Before going to bed: Drink two tablespoons of Olive Oil followed by a glass lemon water.

Why I Chose The Foods That I Did

I wanted to make sure to get protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, omega-3, probiotics and Vitamins A, B12, C, D, & E every day. And fiber at every meal (this is a must!).

RAW Protein Powder - Vitamins A, C, D, & E, Probiotics
B-12 Supplement - To be taken with the RAW Protein Powder (B-12 metabolizes with Vitamin D)
Raspberries - Manganese, Vitamin C, Fiber
Blueberries - Manganese, Vitamin C + E, Fiber, antioxidants (more than any other fresh fruit)
Kale - Vitamins A, C, E, + K, Manganese, Fiber, Copper, Calcium, B-6, Calcium + Iron, rich in Phytochemical content (Wow!)
Almond Milk - Protein, Vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Iron
Apple - Fiber, Vitamin E
Spinach - Vitamins A, C, E, + K, B-1, B-2, B-6, Manganese, Folate, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Fiber
Mixed Greens - Vitamins A, B-6, C + K
Avocado - Vitamins B-6, C + K, Fiber, Potassium, Folate
Cucumber - Vitamins A + C, Potassium + Fiber
Onion - Vitamin C, Fiber (Human studies have shown that onion can help increase bone density and may be of special benefit to women of menopausal age who are experiencing loss of bone density)
Cabbage - Vitamins C + K, Fiber (slowly steamed cabbage is ideal for your body to utilize the fiber more efficiently)
Carrots - Vitamins A, C + K, Potassium, Fiber
Black Beans - Protein, Iron, Magnesium, Fiber, B-1
Sea Salt - Iodine
Walnuts - Omega-3 (While there is no daily recommendation for Omega-3s, studies estimate that about
2.2 grams is sufficient, which equals about 14 walnuts)


The Consideration of Maybe

A person is both a series of decisions as well as a series of consequences. Half choice, half outcome. Neither is fixed. When one choice is made, it is infinitely intertwined with a world of other possibilities and decisions, in that moment and as a result of that moment. The mere physical manifestation of the Space-Time-Mind continuum alone yields outcomes through simply existing. An evolution of continuous changes of the human body down to the smallest of particles.

While the life experience cannot be controlled completely by the efforts of physical or mental manipulation, it can be affected through influence. The influence derives from a specific combination of decisions. And in its most prime, a decision begins as a thought that grows into an idea, then motivates to promote action.

Is this automatic? Or does self-awareness play a role? Or is it both depending on who is being talked about?

It would most likely depend on the person. It comes down to those that take full responsibility for themselves and those who don't. To consider the notion of Nature v. Nurture on the effects of a personality, at the point that one chooses to be responsible for himself is when the debate seizes to matter.

Subjectively good and bad situations happen to everyone regardless of age, gender, race, financial status or wishful thinking. However, as far as life direction goes, continued results depend on the reactions of the individual. No one's entire life is entirely based on circumstance. These situations are only check points, not destinations. They are challenges meant to be overcome, never places of exile.

How does one take responsibility for himself?

It has to be an option. The person has to believe that it's a possibility. If not, the person's capabilities will never align with what it takes to get there. Or in this case, the person doesn't really understand what he is possible of achieving.

A person must be willing to commit to the idea, whether or not he agrees, that there is a potential that he cannot think up in his limited consciousness. A potential personality that has evolved as a result of choice and consequence previously enacted, in a moment that is unknown to him presently. This is the consideration of maybe. To accept the fact that we are prisoners of our own ignorance. That there is so much more knowledge and possibility that exists outside our scope of conscious awareness. Outside of what we can consciously create or think.

Perhaps ignorance is the culprit when it comes to unrealized potential. The forgotten idea that people can manifest into something that they aren't presently. For anything to actually be possible, its idea must be possible first. It has to be a viable option to the intellect. If one doesn't know that something is possible, he could spend the rest of his life believing that he is solely a product of his environment. Stuck in position by the Wheel of Fortune when the only thing that is stuck is his mind, closed and blind.

Once a possibility is only considered, it opens up an entire floodgate of fresh ideas and opportunities. It is like a light turns on in a hidden room of the mind. Knowledge from true enlightenement is transcedental to personal belief. Always. And it begins with:



The China Study

If I could recommend one book that's regarding health and lifestyle, this book would be it. The China Study is "The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health" by T. Colin Campbell. Needless to say, it changed my life.

It covers a wide range of his own, as well as citing others', studies dating back from the 1960's. It talks about the effects on the human body after consuming animal protein, casein, processed foods, high animal-fat foods, supplements, sugar, etc. A difficult read in some aspects, because there is a lot of technical information that might not hold attention for long periods of time, but incredibly interesting nonetheless.

In the most major study covered, The China Study, they survey almost the entire country of China to analyze different diets in different regions and its correlation to cancer and "affluent" diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. The most startling thing was, when experimenting on small animals (it was either mice or rats, I don't want to get it mistaken), one group was fed 20% animal protein diet, the other, fed less than 10%. Both groups were exposed to carcinogens. The group that was fed 20% animal protein, grew tumors and died within two years, whereas, the less than 10% animal protein diet group were still alive, twice as energetic as the previously mentioned group, and their coats were still healthy. Basically, they were thriving.

People are so attached to what they eat and it seems to be a very touchy topic of conversation. The writers don't directly advocate a whole foods, plant-based diet, the studies do. Previous to the work done in this book, the main writer, T. Colin Campbell, ate a lot of meat, drank milk, etc. Personally, after seeing all of the information that he's compiled in this book, it's hard to see food the same way again.

Another fact that stood out: increased milk consumption was linked to increased osteoperosis. I couldn't believe what I was reading. The animal protein in milk is acidic and in order for your body to balance thr acidity levels, it takes calcium from the bones. Those who drink milk have higher levels of calcium that is released through bodily wastes. He talks about how the dairy and meat lobbying industries hire their own scientists to manipulate studies in their favor (i.e. Milk has calcium, calcium helps keep bones strong, drink milk to keep bones strong, right? Wrong).

It made me think a lot about we live. There is such a strong disregard for the long-term welfare of our bodies and our environment. How many people recycle as much as they can from what they use? How many meals do we eat that contain meat? Cheese? What about processed foods? Refined wheat? Refined sugar? Do we even care?

Every single one of our cells replace themselves many times over the course of our lifetime. We literally are what we eat. It's no wonder we don't feel good. That a staggering number of people are sick and the numbers are continually rising. If we eat like crap, we're going to look like it. Life is a precious thing to waste having to possibly spend the last half in a hospital or in chronic pain. Especially, when we have the opportunity to choose healthful food that our body will love! All it takes is a little effort. Perhaps going to a local grocery store and making your own meals could be an option. Plus, you'll save money, get some creative food ideas going, manage your weight naturally and feel great, which are all wonderful things that you can do for yourself!


Taking Chances

I'm wondering if anything can really be trusted these days. The truth is that knowledge is constantly expanding and nothing is absolutely conclusive because they are way too many variables to consider.

I was reading an article on yahoo referring a case study that stated its findings about people taking antioxidants leading to a higher mortality rate than people not taking it (if anyone's interested: http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/297/8/842?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=antioxidants+and+mortality&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT). Granted, they didn't extract the antioxidants from tea or fruit, but rather from beta carotene, and vitamins A and E, but I'm just assuming.

But this is what I'm talking about. The overload of completely unnecessary information. Studies that they really should be conducting is why so many people lack common sense and ways to improve it. That would be incredibly useful. Because that's really more of a problem than people dying from overconsumption of Vitamin E. Most people take multi-vitamins, anyway, which have a lower concentration.

It's seems like when people starting doing a job, whatever it is, there is this bubble that starts forming around them, where all of a sudden, what they are doing becomes important and worthwhile. Since, this is subjective, I can't really disagree, but since this is my blog, I will. Just because someone is working on something, that doesn't mean it's important. And this can apply to all of us. We have all had jobs where we were completely saturated in a project or activity. That is a good work ethic, of course, but that doesn't make it more valuable to anyone else. Since when is mortality linked to antioxidants via vitamins ever been an issue? In any case, I'm sure that the person or persons that submitted the study were really into it.

It would be nice to just take a moment and think about whether or not what we're doing is actually making a significant difference to anyone. We all make choices. I'm not at all saying that these medical studies are insignificant or the like. It's really just one example of hyper-focusing. However, hyper-focusing cannot continue if the world is ever going to move forward as a global community.

At what point did everyone get so separated? Everyone really appreciates communication and personal interaction and attention, so why don't we do more of it? At the end of the day, that's what really gives us lasting energy. And anyone can tell the difference. When you have a wonderful and insightful conversation with someone, it changes you're entire mood, no matter how long it lasted or who it was with. While other conversations can be quite draining.

This is what we really are at the base of it. Energy. Which can be multiplied simply by the presence of those that care about us. That is the truth. That's what should be pursued as the means to longevity, not reading this months medical journal submission and adhering to the guidelines you think it might be stating. Living like that is much too complicated.

It would be nice to have a complete boycott of technological information. At least for a little while. And to look toward ourselves and eachother for knowledge and understanding. We would undoubtedly create something that isn't constantly depending on variables. Something that will stand the test of time. And if we don't start getting together, we'll never really know what it was that we were missing. We only get one chance to live, and I'm taking mine.


Deal With It

Ultimately, one can't control much of what happens outside of himself or herself because when one thing changes, another whole set of unchecked incidents develop. And they will continue developing until one learns how to deal with the problem directly, instead of working around it.

The way to solve a problem is to learn how to mold it into a desireable outcome. Being able to optimize all your resources. To transform the problem into a solution. This can be done with sheer perspective alone. Because the solution is within the problem, as a result of the problem. The solution will never be found in the absence of the problem. And of course, this is because there will never be an absence of problems. To move forward in self-evolution and personal growth is to move through the problem and not to back up and find a way around. There is no way around. Every problem is designed for the purpose of a solution to be discovered as a result. In the same way, a lock is designed with a specific key to open it.

The human mind can rise above problems and above solutions. There isn't much of a point in getting too attached. It's a constant cycle, anyways. The real challenge would be to create that inner collection of contenment and confidence that can withstand anything on the outside and be tapped into at any time to give you strength. And to fill it up, you have to add a little bit of self-love to the collection everyday and as often as you can. Then sooner rather than later, you will be able to overcome anything, regardless of any materialistic circumstances.

"Strength does not lie in what you have. It lies in what you can give."


Your Program

In the near future they will have a "facebook" type program for getting to know different aspects of yourself instead of with other people. You will make "friends" with yourself. The program will assess how well you know what's going on in your mind. Only you will have the right to the information unless you choose to share it with someone else.

The program will run on a volunteer basis and will be purely for the benefit of the user first and foremost. You would also use the program to diagnose mental problems and even have it assist with job placement. It would help you overcome your fears. Help with finding an adequate partner. It would come up with ways to cheer you up. To make you excited when you want to give up.

The point of it would be to propel the human intellect into a realm where conscious thinking is unnecessary. To be constantly aware of what is going on and how our reality is affected by our actions. The program would teach people to how to realize their fullest potential through those actions and thoughts. Eventually, everyone that uses the program will have completely eradicated any hints of destrutive or nunproductive behavior such as jealousy or selfishness, hatred or anger, and replaced them with lovingkindess.

The biggest problem would be to get people to believe that this program would actually work. Getting people to have the the will to want to join it would be tough, in the same way that the last thing most mentally ill people want to look at themselves as the root of the problem. This program would only work based on the that fact that the user is accepting full responsibility for his or her outcomes or results in the program. There are many people who want genuine happiness genuinely, but lack the knowledge to know how to achieve it. The program would be the necessary tool. Life through analyzation is the most wonderful and mystical experience. It's not filled with so much suffering and pain as some people claim. Only fear is.

This program already exists somewhere in our minds and until each person can manifest his or her own program in the world as a collective project, it is the grandest gesture to choose to discover it on one's own. To find out where in your soul your will is created and then live there. Use it as an unlimited source of energy and contentment.



There has been a lot of talking about grief lately. A couple of weeks ago, a friend if mine lost her mother which got me to thinking about the kind of painful experience that death can cause.

A few days ago, Maria Shriver hosted the annual Women's Conference in Long Beach and dedicated the topic to the "extraordinary evocation of grief". This was truly inspiring because I've noticed that a lot of people have a hard time talking about grief, but mostly the family members or friends of the ones grieving. For a group of successful, strong women to come together and openly talk about how much they are affected is pretty bold. And the irony is that there is nothing sad about it.

The loss of a loved one, or loss in general, is a very emotionally charged time and therefore a perfect place to practice awareness and coming back into the fruitfullness of every moment. I'd like to say that. But to actually practice that is much tougher. It's also something that no one can hold your hand through. It's a different experience for everyone.

People can sometimes get very afraid when it comes to dealing with things completely on their own. Emotions are no exception. Fortunately or unfortunately, our emotions are entirely our own concern. People can affect you, but it's usually more about the power to accept or deny instinctual reactions to them. That is the biggest difference between someone who is in control and someone who loses it easily. Both can be presented to the exact same situation. Both are feeling the exact same emotions. However, one makes a conscious choice to act out from a different perspective. A compassionate perspective. A grateful perspective. While the other is an extension of an unhealthy ego stemming from a place where there's a clear idea of the way that the world should work and that this situation is a problem because it doesn't agree with that idea.

Loss is similar. It's a shift in consciousness that a person was not expecting. No one expects to lose and even if they say they do, they don't. I don't buy pessimism as an alternate reality to truth. Real truth is not pessimistic or optimistic, that's only a person's version of it. In effect, loss is not really loss but a catalyst for change. I honestly believe that the more it affects your life, the more in need you are of change.

Changing is inevitable. It can't be escaped if you we're blindfolded with ear muffs on. Being open to change has nothing to do with what you think is going to happen or even what you think is happening, but more about how you accept that change. How well you go with it, no matter if you understand it in the moment or not. Understanding in overrated. It's trying to clarify what our ego has produced and, in that, limited by our own knowledge and confidence. It's like asking yourself the same question expecting a more exciting answer because you think it should be different. Life's not that complicated. It's only right now that can ever be dealt with at a time. Which is something that can be realized through loss.

While I don't look forward to it, I don't dread it either. It's as natural an occurence as anything else and so is the grieving process. But it just has to be accepted as a part of life and there's nothing anyone can do about it. So, it's best to embrace it. And embrace everyone that is still with you. The people that are still there to be loved. Ready and willing. And that's always a super awesome thing.


The Changing Motions of Emotions

There are simply so many different feelings for different times. It would be difficult to feel the same way all the time, so the fact that nothing lasts forever is just as much a blessing as a curse. It's relative. When you're happy, you want to stay that way, always. And when you're sad, quicker it's over, the better.

Change definitely as a lot to do with affecting emotions. When you're sad or angry or nervous or similar in a situation, that is the way that you're coping with that change. Reacting emotionally to what you believe is a "bad" change. I think most people are in fear of change in general. There's something that feels uncomfortable about it. It's always once you get nice with one thing, another takes effect. And that probably has something to do with a newfound ability to be able to handle another situation. Like karma is presenting the opportunity to further yourself and your spiritual progress. This isn't a common perception to change, though. Somehow, it sometimes feels easier to simply suffer and wade our way through life as if there were no other choice. Maybe to avoid taking chances or risks. But amidst utter confusion when you really don't know what to do with yourself, always just to try to be as grateful as possible that you're getting a great chance to move forward, even if it the situation "sucks". Because that is exactly what it is. A chance to constantly grow. To constantly change. No matter how painful it might seem in the moment.

Once we free ourselves from associating our ego with our emotions, only then can we be completely liberated. No one wants to live based around situational emotional reactions. Sometimes you just have to let it go, because by letting go, you're consciously choosing to focus your attention elsewhere. Not as a distraction, but as a way of harnessing that powerful energy into something beneficial. Something positive. And every positive thing that you do, matters. Every single time. Every single day. One day at a time.


Just Think About It

There are quite a few people that don't really care as much as they should about the effects that their choices have on the world around them. It's certainly a daunting truth to be faced with the fact that you are your own responsibility. Your happiness is your own responsibility. But at the end of the day, when you create a situation that you really enjoy, you know that you have the power to keep it that way.

Granted, sometimes very traumatic things happen suddenly and without warning. They are the changemakers of our lives, providing the opportunity to bring attention to certain aspects of our character that are in desperate need of "correction". And if those opportunities are missed or ignored, can lead to harsher notices in the future. We all have experience with this. Where the same "bad" thing keeps happening and the standard reaction to think that it's just the way of things without learning anything from it.

It's difficult to learn something that you don't understand. Which is exactly why the wisest proverbs are always written in analogies. Explaining through a likened understanding. Language is a deeply flawed effort at attempting to bridge the gap between rational and irrational thought. So, while we might understand a specific truth in our mind, at the same time, we lack the knowledge of how to manifest that truth. For example, let's say that a person has faith in the existence of God. No materialistic sensory would ever support this belief. The only support would be the perception of God through other senses. Those that can't be explained. As when people refer to their "heart", "soul", or "gut" as feeling. And the way that we would get in touch with those other senses is different for everyone. But that's where creativity comes in. Through the discovery of those senses lies the key to ultimate understanding of the path to inner contentment and bliss.

It's doing by way of thinking, but thinking "correctly", and only you would know exactly what that is. Realizing what the best choice is because you're really thinking about it with as much awareness as you can, which technically, can be considered infinite and the possibilities endless. More positive outcomes are created by positive cognitive thinking that is derived from the understanding that could only come from within yourself. Without any emotional attachment to the outcome. If nothing else, it's worth a try.


Education Kills Creativity?

This guy is a genius. Very interesting lecture from TED.com. A person thinking outside the box with a good sense of humor, too. It's definitely worth a listen.


An Excerpt of Thought

"My thoughts
never really leave my head.

When I write them down,

they are only strands of ink

on paper.

My computer documents,
only space

on machinery.
My body, a combination
flesh and blood.
The soul is the spark

I've discovered.

And also that it doesn't belong to me.

A gift received, but not owned.
The one thing that gives our lives a go.

This mighty, omnipotent thing.

Yet, there is no name for it.

No place to go see it.

Only thoughts.

Maybe these thoughts.

Maybe not.

I heard someone say that if you're listening

then you will hear it.

But only if you're listening.

I don't know what I'm listening to.

I'm sure I'll know
when I do.

Everything that's real,

everything with meaning,

and all the eternal energy we could ever understand,

comes from it.

It is the source of me lying here

and writing this word.

These words.

This book.

This life is

without a beginning and without end.

Without explanation.

Writing is my explanation.
If I keep writing and writing and writing more

then it will begin to form the letters.
The combination to the lock.

So that I may know
what so many knew before me.
There is something there.

Beyond all comprehension,
that no person in the whole world
could ever explain.

Why am I here?

Ask yourself for a long time

and listen twice as long.

It never comes as words.
Only in thoughts.

In music, in dance, in love,

in kisses, in laughter, in silence.

In dreams.

In the actions we are compelled to perform
when our mind is empty.

To trust completely
and without a doubt,
in that flow which is

the abiding unknown."


Old Habits Die Young

Everyone has bad habits. Though, it's interesting that bad habits occur much more commonly when in social situations. Nothing new there, but it's definitely still interesting, nonetheless.

For example, take people that continuously date people that are not what they want. Why does this happen? I read in
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell about a study that analyzed speed-dating groups. Both men and women were asked to write a list of ten things that they would want in an ideal partner. Most people had the same things: Generosity, Kindness, Humor, Attraction, Loyalty, etc. However, when the session began, the dates that got the highest ratings were the people that they felt most connected with. Even if they had none of the qualities aforementioned. When those relationships were followed up, almost all of them fell apart within a year. Why? Because that person really isn't what they wanted. The lustful attraction was confused with a genuine connection. If this keeps repeating and you know better, it's a bad habit.

Other bad habits that are worse in groups can of course be: smoking, drinking, procrastination, negativity, laziness, etc. If getting rid of bad habits is important enough, then eliminate the social bad habits and see what's left. It's a little tough to separate yourself at first from the social time where your bad habits may take place, but it works much more effectively than trying to resist temptation. It eliminates the choice.

I'm beginning to think that all those small things that we do have a larger negative effect than we might think. The truth is, if there any feelings that seem unbearable, at any time, that should be a sign that a time-out is desperately needed. By that time, it's pretty bad, even though it doesn't seem like it because instead of checking those feelings we opt for distraction. That distraction becomes bad habits. Bad habits tend to stay with us longer than the feelings, but can continue to create new unchecked feelings. For example, drinking is a depressant. You could go out three times a week socially and drink and think that there's no problem. But because that alcohol can affect your mind for up to two weeks, it could begin a steady depression that leaves you subtlely forgetting what you used to feel like. In which case, you wouldn't think there was even a problem.
You honestly wouldn't know.

I'm curious. What is life like without any bad habits? What activites, what thoughts, what moods. I want to keep my mind in check. I want to keep my thoughts in check. I've found that it's much easier to do this quietly. More alone time, less talking and less distractions. Then slowly, everything seems to slow down and eventually stop. In a good way. In an eternal moment sort of way. There's nothing to wait for. The only place you need to be is where you are. It's so agreeable. And when it's like this, bad habits have a really hard time going unnoticed and excuses become completely pointless.



There weren’t many thoughts at all. A most generous and delightful gift of solitude. The ones still present only dealt with the immediate task at hand. Washing my face, pouring tea, taking a walk, and on, and on, and on. Nothing else outside of it. And then, a thought of apprehension about the absence of thoughts. About the void. Not as emptiness, but clarity.

It‘s always there. Existing quietly amidst the illusive chaos of this reality like dark matter in the universe. Existing very humbly. Then at some time or another or both, engulfs the soul without notice and properly restoring it to its natural splendor. Needing nothing. Wanting nothing. Thinking nothing. Accepting everything because there are no limits and there are no rules.

Evolution seems to work only as a matter of moving forward to be getting ahead. Though, on matters of the soul, this method fails, as time seizes to exist. Souls do not evolve. Our consciousness is so far removed from the being of the soul that by becoming more agreeable between soul, body and mind it could be seen as the supposed “evolution” of one’s soul. Though, it wouldn’t really be an evolution. It would only seem like it in the mind’s opinion, but an inadequate representation of events otherwise.

The only task at hand, can be understood as one of retraction. To strip away the layers of perception and return to the state of void. To accomplish this, nothing must be done. In the way that this alleged soulful “evolution” manifests itself is not by what is done, but by the actions abstained from exercising. In the eloquent speech of Albert Einstein, “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Be who you are the core. Creating nothing more and content with nothing less. This feat would be, undoubtedly, the art of miracles.


Chivalry is Alive

It is very much alive. As it should be, too. I am still the fair lady and you are still the gallant gentleman. What ever happened to generosity, courtesy and valor? As the sum of the ideals of a knight is so clearly defined?

It never consisted of treating women badly or without respect. I believe in fairness and there are definitely no completely defined roles for two people in a relationship, but there are reasons why we were born different. Let's not try to be equals, please. At least not in that regard.

I remind you, this has nothing to do with who pays for this or who does what. Every guy can appreciate a nice girl and every girl can appreciate a nice guy. The point is, let's go ahead and appreciate someone. Why not, right?

Far too much time is being wasted on both sides by those who are dishonest about they way they feel about someone. And too much time is spent conjuring up the most useless tasks to feed their ego, which only end up working against both parties involved. This is an eternal dead end. Every time. Because even if you have "won the battle" you've lost the war if there ever was one.

Be yourself. There's no reason to hide. Take responsibility for your feelings. And then, sooner rather than later, someone will come along that's totally into it. And that's always a wonderful thing.

This isn't equal playing field and it never will be. That's the beauty in it, though. The fun of it. Let's let our actions speak in place of our thoughts. Otherwise, you'll just be working against yourself.


The Point Being

I have been thinking a lot lately (very common) about what it means to get somewhere that you want to be. Since we don't really know what exactly separates us from that place or point, we must keep it simple. For example, let's say that you want to take a weekend off and go up north. Let's also say that you can take vacation time off work, your friends can join, the hotels are available, and the weather is perfect. So, what's stopping you?

Money. So, let's figure in that situation money would be the meeting point between the you that is sitting at your computer right now and the you that's enjoying a sweet glass of Cabernet on your hotel balcony in Big Sur. But you don't work a second job. Maybe if you did, you would be able to go. Compromises, sure. But you find a way.

If you want something badly enough, you'll find the meeting point between where you don't have it and where you get it. Sometimes there is only one way to get there (very rarely) and sometimes there are an infinite amount of ways to get there (usually). You just have to get creative.

"Where there is a will, there is a way" an old proverb writes and writes very true, indeed.

I know with unflinching certainty that we can all get what we want. If there is one thing, be totally positive that you can get it. Even a hairline of doubt will ruin it. The thinking must be that there is no other possible outcome except the one that's in your favor. In other words, things can only work out. There is no other way.

To think further into it, there is one common denominator between all of the reasons that stop us from doing the things we dream to. Time. Even thinking that everything works out for us is not enough. Patience is another. Trust in the process. Because in the end, that's exactly what this whole thing is, a process. Make it the best, not because you choose to, but because there is no other choice. It's a way of life. It's your way of life.


04/13 Day 17: Nice => Los Angeles

An afternoon flight to Paris and an early evening flight to Los Angeles, we arrive back at night.

The feelings about coming back are bittersweet, but I'm just as happy to be home as I was going on the trip. I don't think that I could have had a better time anywhere else or with anyone else.

It's a trip I will always think of fondly with extreme gratitude.

04/12 Day 16: Nice

This was the last full day of our entire trip and we didn't go outside the entire day until dinner time. We just stayed in the room and spent the majority of the time sleeping, but also reflecting on what the trip means to us and the things we would like to do when we get back.

For dinner, we all got together and went back to Le Maison de Marie. We proceeded to order five Penne All'Arriabiattas. Very good!

Then it was Sunday night bedtime. Goodnight, trip.

04/11 Day 15: Nice

Today was spent sleeping.

Though, halfway through the day, we got up to visit the shops up the street.

Then it was High Club again, not because it was good, but just because it was two block down. I guarantee you, the clubs here are much better.